I blatantly stole this from the dcon fb group.
The BIG news is that I finished this effing skirt.

It’s all sewn down. I really pushed myself to finish this ASAP, in fact, I’m SORE today from the weird contortions I had to make while sewing on the upper level.
So the timeline of the physical making-of the floral skirt (not counting the months of testing and failing and starting over)
Sunday 8/15 – started cutting the panels
Wednesday 8/18 – finished cutting panels
Thursday 8/19 – Saturday 8/21 – applying the panels with a light glue and then sewing on the edges
Sunday 8/22 – Wednesday 8/25 – sewing on all the other parts in-between.
freaking marathon.
I pressed it using my leftover velvet as a presser board – it cleaned up nicely from the manhandling while doing all the handsewing.

I’m still really disappointed with the joins but oh well. It’s done.
So for Padme I just need to finish the wig, and the buttons. For Bail just need to add the closures.
For Wanda updates, I’ve been working on the gloves when I needed a break from the skirt.

Here’s the upper part of one so far. I’m going to recut the red triangle, wasn’t happy with it. I’ve still got to apply HTV to the other one.
And we pulled the cast of my front piece last night!

AHH! So excited. here’s hoping it fits right. I’ve got to put it on with the bodice tonight, double check where everything is hitting and then I can start closing up and finishing the bodice. That’s the biggest thing I have left to do.
And I’ve got to PACK!!! Ahh!